Boiler System Troubleshooting Basics

When you invest in a home that relies on boiler heat, it can be a whole new experience. When it comes to care and maintenance, it's hard to keep the system running at its best when you don't understand the most common sources of problems. Before you call a boiler repair technician for troubleshooting help, you may be able to narrow the source of the problem on your own. Here are three common sources of issues with residential boiler systems.

Circulating Pump Problems

Hot water boilers rely on circulation pumps to force the water into the heating system. These pumps usually appear as small red squares along the pipes. In most cases, the pumps are electronic. That means they are prone to malfunction. In some cases, it could be a problem with the wiring, while in other cases, it could be the circulation wheel inside the pump that's malfunctioning. If your boiler system isn't heating like it should be in all areas of the house, the area that's getting insufficient heat may be affected by a damaged circulation pump.

Boiler System Leaks

Boiler systems are made to be completely sealed systems. That means that there shouldn't be any leaks anywhere along the pipes. If you are struggling with proper circulation in your boiler system, one of the things you should do is check the entire pipe system for any signs of leaks. Since leaks can not only affect the pressurization of the system but also can cause water damage in your home, these are not problems to dismiss. Take time to inspect the pipe system for your boiler on a regular basis. Check for corrosion or damage to any of the pipes as well as any loose fittings on pipe joints. These are the most common sources of leaks.

Pressure Issues

Boiler systems rely on a delicate balance of water pressure in the system for proper, consistent heating. Without the right pressure levels, you'll get inconsistent water flow and uneven heating. To help maintain the pressure in the system, your boiler is fitted with an expansion tank. That tank takes the overflow when the pressure in the system is too high. This is an essential role, because excess pressure could lead to burst seams or damaged pipe joints. Either could result in leaks or other system damage.

To keep your boiler system running at its best, work with a local boiler repair technician for inspections and maintenance.
